How to Stretch Before a Training Ride

How to Stretch Before a Training Ride

Don't.  Stretching cold is a recipe for a pulled muscle. Each training workout should include a "Warm Up" interval of 10-15 minutes that slowly wakes up your muscles for the demand of more strenuous riding.  Don't skip the warm up!   Always stretch after you ride.  Everyone has different body mechanics and therefore, different stretching needs.  Common stretches for cyclists focus on quads, hip flexors, hamstrings, calves, the back, and shoulders.  Make sure to gently hold each stretch for at least 40-60 seconds for maximum benefit.  No bouncing!  Consult an expert for proper technique.  Click here for a video from our friends at GCN on 5 good cycling stretches.  If you experience frequent muscle strain or pain in your knees, hips, back or shoulders that a good bike fit does not resolve, consult with a physical therapist.  A physical therapist can create a custom stretching program to addresses your problem areas and greatly improve your comfort and flexibility on the bike.  
